Pitching Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Products to the Media & Influencers


Pitching the media can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to reaching out.  With so many strategies and techniques out there, we decided to create a guide with our top  5 Do's and Don'ts to pitching fashion, beauty, and lifestyle magazine editors, and TV producers. 

The first "Do"  Personalize your pitch. Personalizing your pitch means to acknowledge them by saying, "Hello ______" insert their name. Nothing is worse than receiving a pitch from a stranger, and they don't state your name. Look at emails you've received. Which ones stand out? Think about the personalized ones. You probably read them and considered responding to them. The same rules apply to your pitch.  

The First "Don't"  DON'T Mass email. I know it's so tempting to BCC everyone you're reaching out to, but it's a bad idea. It makes you look lazy (sorry, but it does). It's very impersonal, and it gives your pitch a higher chance of entering the spam or delete inboxes. Editors know when they're on a mass email. 

Get the FREE Guide here.


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